PJP #023 - A nice consistent let down
This episode the Stus talk about cross country flying, knocking rust off, commercial flying, product review, featured web site and much more. | |
CFIStew challenges PilotStu and MikeSteuw on the definition of cross country flying. (Hint: check out FAR 61.1.3) |
What qualifies as Cross Country?
Cessna 206 Staionair
PilotStu talks about knocking some rust off flying skills and his chance to fly a Cessna 206 Staionair. |
Mike describes a planned fly/camp trip to Moose Creek in the back country of Idaho. |
Moose Creek USFS Airport - 1U1
Product Review | |
LogTen Logbook for Mac, iPhone and iPad
LogTen Logbook for Mac, iPhone and iPad by
Coradine Rating: 4/5 stars for Mac users; 2/5 if you are a PC user |
Featured Site | |
Alliance Air Show
![]() The show gates are open from 9 to 5 on Saturday and Sunday, October 30-31, 2010. Stew also invites all Pilots Journey listeners to a pre-airshow bar-b-que Friday, Oct. 29th at Riscky's Barbeque in the Ft. Worth stockyards. |
Other links:
- http://www.cessna.com Cessna Aircraft
- http://www.airnav.com/airport/1U1 Moose Creek Airport (AirNav)
- http://www.flyidaho.org Idaho Aviation Association
- http://www.coradine.com Coradine Aviation Systems
- http://www.allianceairshow.com Alliance Air Show
- http://www.blueangels.navy.mil The Blue Angels
- http://www.f22fighter.com F-22 Raptor
- http://www.armygoldenknights.com Golden Knights
- http://www.theindyboys.com/our-jet-vehicles Jet Powered Port-o-let
- http://www.risckys.com Riscky's Barbeque
- http://www.pilotsofamerica.com Pilots of America Forum
- http://allianceairshow.com Alliance Airshow
- http://thevoicesinyourhead.com The Aviation Podcasts Network
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